The Consortium for Infant & Child Health (CINCH) |
Coalition Overview
The Consortium for Infant & Child Health (CINCH) in Hampton Roads, Virginia addresses child asthma in the Hampton Roads area, a region spanning seven cities and three counties, including both rural and urban environments. The region has a diverse population of more than 1.5 million with about 440,000 children under 18 years old. In three school districts, 8-10% of children reported an asthma diagnosis. In 2000, 815 children were hospitalized for asthma. CINCH estimates that more than 10% (>44,000) of the area's children have been diagnosed with asthma.
CINCH was established in 1993 to address concerns about childhood immunization rates in the Hampton Roads area. Five years later, CINCH expanded to focus on asthma at a time when the region's only asthma programs were limited to public and school-based education. Allies funding enabled CINCH to build on established relationships and a well-developed coalition infrastructure to enhance its work in asthma.
Well known and respected, CINCH's members champion its cause within their home organizations and communities. CINCH collaborates with the Center for Pediatric Research, The Children's Hospital of the King's Daughters, Eastern Virginia Medical School, and over 200 community members who represent public and private health care, industry, academic and religious institutions, military and service agencies.
CINCH chose to build a comprehensive and integrated community-wide asthma control and prevention system by focusing on five types of strategic initiatives: patient care, provider education, patient/provider education, community empowerment/public awareness, and media and legislative advocacy. These initiatives represent three sectors of concern about asthma in Hampton Roads: health care providers, schools, and the community and environment.
Key CINCH Activities and Downloadable Products
Materials about CINCH:
Map of the community action plan (.ppt, 1.7 MB)
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With health care providers:
National Respiratory Training Center's Asthma Essential Skills Workshop: a one-day training session provides allied health professionals with knowledge and understanding of asthma management
Physician Asthma Care and Education (PACE): improved physician skills for treating patients with asthma
Pharmacist Workshop: reviewed asthma medication and delivery device guidelines and discussed the role of pharmacists in the care of asthmatic patients
Pharmacy survey (.doc)
Other provider education: provider in-service, Grand Rounds and professional society presentations, hospital RN orientation and school nurse in-services to educate providers on multiple facets of asthma management, including the NHLBI asthma care guidelines
Form for provider to complete at visit (.doc)
Short in-service evaluation form (.doc)
Provider pre-session survey (.doc)
Compilation of 9 provider bulletins (.doc)
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In the home & about housing:
EZ Breathers: improved asthma awareness, prevention and treatment for children with asthma in Head Start and their families through programs in the classroom, home visits, and training for teachers and staff of partnered sites
Telephone survey (.doc, 7.2 MB)
EZ Breathers final report (.doc)
Ambassador Program: extensively trained ambassadors, individuals from the communities in which they work, offered education on triggers and management during multiple home visits
Set of brochure, protocols, and two surveys (.zip)
Set of 10 forms used in program (.zip)
Easy to Read Educational Materials:
Asthma triggers poster (.ppt) / Spanish version (.doc)
Know your asthma symptoms poster/handout (.pdf) / Spanish version (.doc)
How to use a spacer with a mask (.pdf) / Spanish version (.doc)
When to call your doctor poster/handout (.pdf) / Spanish version (.doc)
Parent Forms:
Asthma assessment checklist (.doc)
Checklist for visits to the doctor (.doc)
Form for parents to complete and bring to provider (.doc)
Asthma Housing Summits: a three-part program that provided asthma education and awareness to Housing Authority management and residents to decrease environmental triggers in public and subsidized housing
Promotional brochure (.pdf, 1.6 MB)
Joint summit agenda (.ppt)
Resident Summit flier (.ppt)
Fact sheets on asthma, triggers, and trigger control (.doc)
Action plan form (.ppt)
Small group scenarios and discussion questions (.doc)\ version with asnwers (.doc) Set of above 7 housing materials (.zip)
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In schools & childcare centers:
Collaboration with and support of elementary school nurses: developed relationships with local school nurses and provided materials and assistance in creating asthma programs in their schools
Form for school nurse to complete to go to child's provider (.doc)
Log for school nurse to track students with asthma (.doc)
Back-to-School Pack:
Letter to parents and back-to-school checklist (.doc)
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In the community and clinic:
Healthy Kids Kit: involved churches in basic education about asthma in children
Church participation form (.doc)
Church flyer (.ppt)
Church bulletin insert (.doc)
Slide presentation (.ppt)
Sermon excerpts (.doc)
Set of above 5 Healthy Kids Kit materials (.zip)
Community activities and health fairs: in conjunction with community partners, raised awareness and increased asthma knowledge within the general public
Warning Signs Poster (.zip, 4.2 MB)
Why use a spacer? poster/flyer (.ppt)
AsthmaFest report (.doc)
Asthma Days: A once-a-year clinic to provided asthma education to children with asthma and their families in a practice setting as a revolving education center of hands-on, interactive stations
Additional Asthma Days information (.doc)
Evaluation form (.doc)
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Other CINCH activities and products:
Standardized Asthma Action Plans: Southeastern Virginia Asthma Health Care Action Plan and Authorization for Medication; used across the CINCH communities and promoted by the Virginia Asthma Coalition to use in communities across the state
Asthma action plan (.doc)
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