
Cross-site Evaluation Instruments

All available evaluation instruments used for the Allies cross-site evaluation are downloadable as a complete set:

 Allies Cross-Site Evaluation Instruments

Each instrument also is available for download individually:

 Context Survey:  collects both quantitative and qualitative information about coalition structure and functioning, the focus of coalition efforts and information about the coalition's social, cultural and political environment

 Coalition Self-Assessment Survey (CSAS) (English and Spanish):  captures quantitative information on coalition structure and processes, including coalition functioning, leadership, and effectiveness of effort

 Key Informant Interview Guides:  collects information from participants in their own words about the coalition planning process, level of their involvement in the coalition, goals and interventions, and perceptions of coalition impact

 Program Reach Forms:  captures process-oriented data on the extent of coalition activities

 Asthma Core Caregiver Survey (English and Spanish):  captures caregiver perceptions and feelings, demographics, exposure to asthma activities, self-report of hospitalizations and ED visits and parent asthma management strategies












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Evaluation Instruments



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