

The Allies cross-site evaluation is in process.  The evaluation plan includes assessments at the coalition, individual, and community levels. Primary goals of the analyses are to:
  • describe the coalitions in terms of context, structure, and process
  • describe the frequency and quality of coalition plans and activities in relation to coalition context, structure, process, and outcomes
  • analyze differences between the intervention and comparison groups regarding asthma-related symptoms, self-report of hospitalizations and ED visits, caregiver quality of life, and asthma management strategies, and also changes for these groups between baseline and follow-up
  • describe asthma management changes at the community level, including coalition impact and system capacity changes
  • assess differences in coalition sites and comparison communities regarding health care use as evident in Medicaid and AHRQ data

In a special supplemental issue of the Health Promotion Practice journal, mid-stream findings were published.  Further findings will be posted on this site as they become available. 












Design & Instruments


